Uncertainty, and indecision. Opportunities, and high stakes. Leaders must navigate an increasingly broad and diverse set of challenges. They must be both humble and confident. In this context, making smart, inclusive choices is usually hard, and the status quo is often unforgiving.

At Wenban, we know that making smart choices requires a structured, inclusive approach. We provide hands-on coaching and technical support to senior leaders and their teams – the organization’s leadership system – to help them better understand the choices they face and to apply a rigorous process to arrive at decisions that are both intellectually and emotionally convincing.

The rewards that flow from sound strategic thinking have never been greater.

In today’s impatient and fast-paced world, it is tempting to bypass rigorous strategic thinking. However, choices are smarter, stickier and more robust when they are the result of a structured, inclusive and well-informed process.

Meaningful stakeholder engagement is a prerequisite for success.

In making choices that deliver intended outcomes, senior leaders must engage and connect with all relevant stakeholders, gather their input, appreciate their perspective, and keep them involved throughout the decision-making process.


It takes a healthy leadership system to make choices and transform organizations.

The collective performance of the leadership system determines the extent to which any organization can convert its informed decisions into timely and concrete actions.